Our tasks
Wide-ranging catalogue of tasks
According to its statutes, the Verband der Freien Sparkassen e.V. (Association of German Independent Savings Banks) has, in addition to the “promotion of the concept of saving and savings banks in general”, above all the task of promoting and supporting “the special interests of its members”. These are derived from its development history and the legal status of the independent savings banks.
Intensive public relations work
In particular, the Association of German Independent Savings Banks advocates for the interests of its member institutions in cases where other assessments and solutions are required due to their private legal form than in the case of public savings banks. The intensive exchange of opinions and information with its member savings banks in other European countries means the association can also draw on the wide-ranging experience of its private member institutions. It represents the association’s opinion both within the Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (German Savings Banks Association) and directly to government agencies and the public.
European cooperation
The traditional tasks of the association include promoting cross-border cooperation between the independent savings banks of Europe. The Association of German Independent Savings Banks includes 32 independent savings banks and an association of six other European countries as extraordinary members. The group of extraordinary members includes savings banks of very different sizes. The association thus offers its member institutions a broad platform for the discussion and exchange of overarching business interests and concerns, which are gaining relevance especially in view of the shared European Economic Area.
As the European independent savings banks are very diverse in terms of their legal and organisational structures as well as their business policy orientation, they are of great interest to the business activities of the German member savings banks. Furthermore, the union of the independent savings banks is also a forum to facilitate the establishment and intensification of cross-border business relations. The association therefore views it as an important task to broaden the membership base in Europe in order to give the independent savings banks an even stronger voice in the “European single market” of the future.